In order to spur development within, and protect the historical assets of the Albuquerque Rail Yards, the City of Albuquerque hired H+Mdg to upgrade the Flue Shop and Tender Repair Shop buildings on the north side of the complex and to facilitate the enhancement of the exterior space between them. At the inception of the project, none of the above spaces allowed for public occupancy. The City’s goal was to improve each facility to allow public occupancy to occur.
The program for the Flue Shop entailed upgrading the building shell and interiors to allow Business Occupancy for City related uses. Shell improvements included a new roof, new storefront system, concrete repair, interior and exterior repainting, installation of a mechanical heating and cooling system, installation of a fire suppression system, lighting, power and technology upgrades, accessibility upgrades, and fire rated partition construction to separate occupiable and unoccupiable spaces. Interior tenant improvements included new restrooms, new storage and mechanical rooms, a new gypcrete floor, and utility stub outs for future reception, conference, break and open office areas.
Square Feet: 10,000
Constriction Cost: $4,500,000